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How to replace coredns with kube-dns

CoreDNS is the default DNS addon in Kubernetes since 1.13. I recently needed to switch back to kube-dns for some testing, and it wasn’t obvious from the documentation how to do that. Here’s how I went about it for reference.

These steps assume kubeadm 1.13.


First, initialise the master node, skipping the coredns addon phase:

kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr= --skip-phases=addon/coredns

Then prepare a kubeadm override config to specify kube-dns is to be used instead of the default:

$ cat > kubeadm-kube-dns.yaml << EOF
kind: ClusterConfiguration
    type: "kube-dns"
    imageRepository: myregistry:5000

This example also shows how to use a custom repository for the images.

Now init the addon:

kubeadm init phase addon coredns --config=kubeadm-kube-dns.yaml

Finally, add your CNI addon of choice to finish setting up the master:

kubectl apply -f

That’s it. I also found the following steps from IBM useful to verify the DNS is sane (remember to add a k8s worker before proceeding with this):

kubectl create -f
kubectl exec -ti busybox -- nslookup kubernetes.default